It’s time for a better standard.
The FDA approves drugs, the EPA approves pesticides, and companies sell chemicals every day without properly testing for human neurodevelopmental risk. Now, RosetteArray® technology provides the solution that ensures a safer future.
Our state-of-the-art RosetteArrays are high-throughput screening tools for assessing developmental neurotoxicity and modeling disease. With customizable, scalable platforms for specific brain and spinal cord regions, we help shed light on the potential impact of chemical and drug exposures, as well as genetic backgrounds, on early human central nervous system development. View presentation from Dr. Randolph Ashton (CEO) for further explanation.
The RosetteArray Solution
At Neurosetta, we use your cells of interest and compounds of choice to create custom RosetteArray assays in-house that screen for multiple measures of neurodevelopmental disruption. View RosetteArray screening process video.
RosetteArray plates are available in 96-, 24-, and 6-well formats. The well plates are manufactured with a specialized gold-coated micropatterned culture surface. Our micropattern design is optimized to induce formation of arrays of 100’s – 1000’s of brain and spinal cord rosettes per well, which genetically and morphologically model human neural tube development (Figure 1). The plates can be seeded with cryopreserved human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) or neuromesodermal progenitors (NMPs) to generate forebrain or spinal cord RosetteArrays (Figure 2). At Neurosetta, we have standardized protocols to generate forebrain, cervical spinal, and lumboscaral spinal RosetteArrays with reproducible singularly polarized rosette emergence. Thus, RosetteArray technology can assay early human brain and spinal cord development in a reproducible, cost efficient, and high-throughput manner.
RosetteArray Screening Process
Video created by Neurosetta, LLC. Music credits:
Startup by Alex-Productions | promoted by Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Screen for Compound Safety
Pharmaceutical and chemical companies spend millions of dollars bringing potentially beneficial compounds to market, but if human neurotoxic effects are discovered after launch, significant company capital could be jeopardized. RosetteArray technology can ensure human neurodevelopmental safety early in the product development pipeline, helping companies minimize financial vulnerabilities.

Model Human Disease
The early stages of pregnancy are susceptible to neurodevelopmental risks introduced by genetic mutations or chemical exposures. With a growing number of neurological disorders being linked to altered fetal development, a model of early human neurodevelopment is necessary for understanding how genetics and environment interact and impact neurological outcomes. RosetteArray technology can model patient-specific neurodevelopment in a reproducible and cost-efficient manner.
RosetteArray assay used to detect Autism Spectrum Disorder risk